Why use an Agency?

When it comes to the finding a new job it can be overwhelming at the best of times. Trying to determine which companies you should spend your time and effort into applying for can be challenging. It can also be very disheartening when companies don’t even get back to you.

Around 75% of CV’s are rejected before they even get to the HR Manager, according to TopResume.

Recruitment agencies will work with you and find a role that would best match your experience and abilities. They can also help you feel less isolated in the search for your new role.

Here are 6 great reasons you should use a Recruitment Agency to find your dream job.

6 great reasons you should use a recruitment agency to find your dream job.

1. Time Saving

As already mentioned, job hunting can be extremely time consuming. From checking LinkedIn and job sites or having to constantly alter your CV and cover letter to suit each job – all this can be very heavy going and draining, and that’s all before you even get an interview!

It’s a recruiters’ job to match the candidates to the most suitable jobs, so let them do the work for you. After all, it is in their best interests to ensure their clients’ job roles get filled.

Recruitment agencies will use their network and extensive knowledge of the current job market to find the most fitting roles to suit you. This can save you a lot of time that you otherwise may have spent scrolling the internet for potential opportunities.

2. Greater Reach

Recruitment Agencies have extremely large, well-established networks, and devote a significant amount of time building strong relationships with hiring companies. Your own network of past employers, colleagues and college mentors can only get you so far. A recruiter’s network can open so many doors for you.

3. Tailored to You

Recruiters will devote a lot of time and effort while building a relationship with you. The more information you give them the better equipped they are to find you the ideal role.

Company culture is starting to matter more than ever. While technical skills are a major factor in hiring decisions, but hiring people who strengthen your culture is just as important. With the help of a recruitment agency and their dedicated recruiters, you will be able to find companies and job roles that are perfect for you. You will no longer have to rely on solely job boards, companies’ websites and social media platforms.

4. Expert Advice

When you decide to register with a Recruitment agency. You are not only gaining access to their huge network, but you are also gaining access to their in-depth knowledge about industries, job seeking, and interview advise. The recruiters will be at the ready to answer any questions you may have and guide you through every step of the way through the recruitment process.

5. Consideration for Future Roles

Another brilliant benefit to registering with a recruitment agency is that you will remain on their database. This means that even if you are unsuccessful for the role you applied for, the recruiters will keep you in mind and continue to consider you for future suitable roles.

6. Free Service

There is an important distinction that can often be forgotten about when it comes to recruitment agencies. The employers are the ones that pay the fee. Candidates receive a free service from recruitment agencies, while employers pay for the privilege of being offered a top-quality candidate, so it’s important that agencies work hard to find the perfect candidate for their clients.

We work hard to help candidates find their dream job, prep them diligently for interviews, communicate with them throughout the process and advocate for them at offer stage.

If you are currently on the search for a job or looking to change career, why not reach out to us to help assist you in finding your dream job. You can contact us on (01) 404 7172 or send your CV to reception@broadlinerecruiters.com